Why did I start Blogging is my reason to keep keeping up with Content Creation. When I started in the blog 2017 after the first phase of University I didn’t really relate traditional Blogging to content creation and didn’t follow many rules because I was doing this for my self only. For me this was a web-log even if I was not doing it every day. I just wanted to enter my log on the world wide web then move on. Reading others work more and more made me start evolve a little but I have stuck to some really bad habits.

I also strongly believe in showing up for yourself as a blogger content creator you have to know who you are and be a little bit arrogant about it in a good way. For example if people read your work for more than 5 years you should be sure of all your strengths they will see in you. Knowing the strength of a content creator is the line that pushes one to that threshold of an authority and that is where identifying opportunities is.
For Benjamin Watch Blog relevancy has been derived from the diverse Topics and depth coverages on the various subjects in my blog posts, from politics to culture, and I am very intentional about it because I show off my versatility and deep understanding of these areas but at the end of the day I don’t just showcase but convinced of what I write.

My ability to connect historical events with current issues provides a rich context for readers and I know this helps present a futuristic perspective that will make people visit the watch even when I am dead. I want to be relevant even when I don’t write.

The critical Analysis offers sharp, critical perspectives, particularly on political and global issues, which challenge mainstream narratives and encourage readers to think critically and making that my trade mark I believe I will always be relevant so long as I don’t stop and the world is still here as we know it.

I have also learned through again reading others work that telling personal stories is important, it’s what readers relate too and it goes a long way, from time to time when we do content inspired our lived experience we shall evolve with the day and keep here.

As content creator there are these aspects that have to be examined from time to time to keep relevant and also evolve;

  1. Consistency in Tone and Style, this is a challenge for me but it’s something very important. While my critical voice is strong, I know we all have to aim for a more consistent tone across our Content posts. For me it’s a challenge because most times my writing shifts from academic to conversational abruptly, which does disrupt the flow but is my only best option to bring points home. For a hobby it can pass but in works where I am an authority and blogs I contribute to for money and power I have had to develop a more uniform writing style that maintains a professional yet approachable tone throughout
  2. Balanced Perspectives, is another that is key to keeping relevant and moving with the times. It’s a challenge on the Benjamin Watch Blog even if my critical stance is valuable, I have to balance it with multiple perspectives to enhance your credibility. When I am invited to speak on topics on my blog, I have to presenting counterarguments and then critically addressing them to show a well-rounded understanding of the issues. So as a content creators I have to read everything even that that gives me intellectual discomfort.
  3. Engagement and Readability, everyone that reads my blog and get to talk to me in private have admonished me to break up my longer paragraphs to make my work more reader-friendly and it works. Using subheadings, bullet points, and images to enhance the visual appeal and readability of blog posts. Engage readers with questions or calls to action at the end of blog posts will also encourage interaction and discussion even where you are not present.
  4. If you run a blog that discusses serious things then evidence and references are a must. The only way we can strengthen our arguments is with more references to credible sources. Even if our personal insights are valuable, supporting them with data and citations will enhance the authority of our writings for now until we are not just PhD candidates. Its hectic but we have to painfully add links to relevant articles, studies, or books to back up our points and provide readers with further reading options to stay in this game.
  5. I am big Skeptic of SEO and Structure because they take away the human in our content but they are very useful. We ought to optimize our work for search engines by using keywords related to our topics. This will increase the visibility of our blog. Use clear, descriptive titles and meta descriptions to improve search engine rankings and attract more readers. When you can please don’t over look this aspects.
  6. With AI we have to make use of visuals and Multimedia. A content creator must with experience learn to jncorporate more visuals such as infographics, charts, and videos to complement their text and make complex information more digestible. Use multimedia elements to break up the text and keep readers engaged and easily drive points home, my geopolitical pieces have maps that try to connect dots for the visitors of the watch.

For me this is how I have been able to not OUT GROW my blogging even when other things have been added to my life. If you are in for money only you will not last 6 months in this craft. Content Creation is purpose driven, those purpose that are way greater than the content creators as individuals, that is the timeless but about it.