As I pointed out in last week’s rant on 8th March the world pretended to care about women, Fiona Laker put out a tweet to paint the picture of what was happening with capitalism on feminism clearly. On that note I have book recommendations to make for your reading list for Women’s History Month. 1. Women Talking by Miriam Toews read this after watching the adopted screenplay, it’s very triggering one needs to be at a safe place in their life to read it. 2. Feminism Against Progress by Mary Harrington which is so in line with this year’s theme for women’s day. 3. The Case Against the Sexual Revolution by Louise Perry a book that takes on capitalism’s financial inequality in relation to feminism. Anyway, I still think our daughters will have a better life, but the notion of fuck the patriarch is outlandish to me because then I am thinking of the Kabakaship, my father, my brothers, Jesus Christ, and his father in the Bible. But that is me.

The reality is that those women of a lower social background are little more convenient sources of body doubles rented by the rich and privileged women of all genders, not all women are benefiting, feminism should be sceptical if all females are to be protected from capitalism. Also, feminism does not address the issue of men who wake up and identify as women the next day. In the world of sports if I decided to be a woman tomorrow I would probably break every record there is, would that be fair to my competitors who are my age and have worked all their lives to get to that point?

I am planning to make a whole blog on this especially after I find someone to do it with. “Pro-environmental approaches are the right thing, education for all and better health care is for a better society, access to employment opportunities and dialogue on authoritarian matters are in the best interest of everyone, it has nothing to do with wokeness”

Thinking of the world. Going to war with Russia is what is going to define Obama’s third term in the White House. The conflict is now a scapegoat for every economic misfortune caused by poor governance and the failure of unilateralism, the next stage of Capitalism should accommodate a maltipolarism.

Capitalism is betting on the timber and tree market since it’s valuable to keep trees standing, rather than cutting them down. Farmers will gain more in tradable carbon offsets as more forests are cut at the moment but carbon sequestration is going to be law the world over. I will give an example of Namanve industrial park on paper to set up shop in the zone you must contribute trees to the national tally the size of your plot of land for operations. This in the short while is going to be enforced with orders from the world bank and IMF and other watchdogs with interests.
There is going to be a vibrant market for carbon offsets, companies accounting for the emissions they generate by neutralizing emissions elsewhere by paying tree farmers, and the sector is going to take off. This climate change advocacy is real, especially for the next generation. People who own forests are going to be paid that’s why Banks are buying forests so that they pay themselves in this trade. The best of capitalism.

Last week the president of the Republic of Uganda went on a state visit to the Federal Republic of South Africa and I was watching with a lot of anticipation for a major visa announcement but it did not happen. It seemed like there was something beyond a phone call that prompted the Journey, we can’t tell exactly if it was about DRC. The media decided to highlight how Mr. Museveni called Ugandans lazy even when we know what he meant. For the 50 years Museveni has been around African politics he has come off as an agent of the West but in his speech in Pretoria, he talked about why AfFCTA may struggle and he gave valid rationales which were charged towards the West and France. It’s important we look for these speeches and not take in what the media is giving us only.

When you hear millennials asking each other about how the girls and boys are doing they most likely talking about plants and pets, they also don’t like keeping female pets because of how they be during their period in those small minimalist modern mizigo(Apartments).

It’s not okay to say things like “the Shia arc of influence” but if you say “the Jewish arc of influence” you are a criminal all of a sudden. You go further to say Israel is an apartheid and you have travel prohibitions added.

As a broker, my rant will end with brokerage issues. Look if you have a day job and want the services of a broker after 5 or on weekend then expect to pay for overtime. Brokers have families and live in the evening and on weekends. The price of brokerage services in Kampala ranges from $ 28/ £ 20/ Ugx 100,000 to $ 139/ £ 130/ Ugx 500,000 a day. In my real estate ranting, I will break down the costs involved one day. After paying amounts in that range you have to be specific with what kind of land you want to buy or space you would wish to rent. You must give deep details of what you want if you want a noisy neighborhood be clear about it because the next day you will pay again even when you change the agency. If you have not made up your mind don’t disturb people looking for property. 10% is a myth, it’s not how brokerage works apart for lawyers who do one job a year that is property related.

Let me get out of here, I have a draft to work on, catch you next week.