As promised

Meanwhile, the frequency of content on blogs written, audio blogs or what we refer to as podcasts and vlogs on Instagram and Youtube from Africa in 2023 is extraordinary so far, keeping up has become a stretch, the next thing is for these bloggers to show up by sharing their work aggressively, but I am excited about the trend.

It is ordinary, that the police and authorities are telling a group of journalists to ask for permission to update their Youtube feed in Uganda. For some time WordPress and Facebook were blocked in Uganda and the government didn’t care if the action slowed down business. They later realized they could not use the computer misuse ACT because content on a blocked platform could not be used as evidence in the courts of law. In a few months, if updating a WhatsApp status is a crime it will be normal.

If a Ugandan is surprised by information about abductions and torture they are either slow in-between their ears or suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Recently on clubhouse, someone told me at the end of a discussion to stay safe and not be abducted because that’s what they read about Uganda, so how disconnected are you from reality?

I am starting to think Southern African countries are being sabotaged economically with all these power blackouts, for the last 20 years a South African firm has been handling electricity in Uganda, and when the power goes off its a public uproar apart from West Nile but they are also getting onto the grid. How is this same firm failing at home? Zimbabwe has the most resilient economy in the world despite the unhealthy GDP to Debt ratio and with its radical allies like China, they should be solving their power generation issues. Look at even Libya with two governments they can afford to streamline power generation and distribution.

The earthquake in Turkeye and Syria is going to beat the war in Europe when it comes down to the body count, complicated things. For the last 30 years, Turkeye has been preparing for an earthquake because of history and the fact that they sit on the ring of fire but they still went ahead and approved substandard buildings, well in Africa building permits are acquired after the work is done, hope we don’t get seismic shifts this side.

It is very easy to start to believe in extraterrestrials after the USA and China war of flying objects, the accusations are all over, and they timing is strange. The two powers behaving like brothers at war with each other. Speaking of the USA after the super bowl it feels like they have two anthems over there, one for whites and the other for blacks.

In this year’s African Union summit, 35 countries will be represented by Presidents, 4 by Prime Ministers, 1 Vice president, and 11 Foreign Ministers. Representatives of international organizations including the United Nations Secretary-General and Foreign Ministers of Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Japan. The irony is that Africans think the event is a mockery. First of all, it’s going to take place in Ethiopia which is coming from a brief civil war at a time when Nigeria is going for an election but the country is barely functioning as a unit anymore.

There is this AI thingie and talk going around, we are scared tech could take over the world but they are some people out there interacting with AI to the level of romance, humanity keeps on disappointing.

There should not be one day for love, it should be the whole year and also I am hesitant to take part in anything about black history month. As we debate about the importance of Swahili in Africa a language that was made up and has led to the extinction of cultures Did you know that according to some experts, a community’s language is defined to be endangered when at least 30 percent of its children no longer speak it? Anyway next Friday I am doing an event with Africaniwa about the whole question called “The Rebirth Of Zalamo” in the case of Tanzania.

Will rant again next week, but look out for an opinionated piece titled “The New African Diaspora in the Middle East” on this blog.